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Friday, June 1, 2012

United States Highways Soon to be Available to Mexican Trucks

The Federal Motor Carriers Safety Administration (FMCSA) is thinking about a second test program which would enable Mexican Truck Drivers to operate their trucks on U . S . highways, so lengthy as the drivers are proficient in English and also display an understanding of U.S. traffic regulations.

The two nations might reach an agreement allowing cross- border trucking within weeks, as reported by Humberto Trevino, Mexican Deputy Transportation Minister. Cross border freight has long been a lengthy problem for a lengthy time. Under original terms of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the U . S . had previously agreed to permit delivery of freight shipments inside the U . S . by Mexican truck drivers, even though US officials have refused to enable Mexican truckers ability to drive because of safety concerns as well as union pressures. The U.S. canceled its previous freight program in 2009, leading Mexico to impose tariffs on United States items.
The United States Department of Transportation had made a statement mentioning the administration will continue to work with Congress and other stakeholders to put safety first. The Department of Transportation has stated it will continue working to create a program which creates jobs and promotes economic growth in the United States and keep the public informed how the details of such a Mexican trucking program as they are developed.

Mexican officials have agreed to send details no later than mid-January on the plan the U.S. released these days and also US transportation officials can travel to Mexico to begin talks, Trevino said. Trevino went on to say that both nations are working toward building a conceptual agreement along with are willing to work as well as negotiate the best agreement between the two nations Officials from both Countries have hopes of completing such an agreement in the next few weeks. Trevino spoke following a phone call between United States Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood along with Juan Molinar Horcasitas, Mexico's transportation as well as communications minister.

The proposed program would be an improvement over the one- year pilot project that ended in 2009 because it would last three years, would include more transportation companies and would streamline paperwork at border crossings. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which has long been extremely critical of the Obama administration strongly supports a cross border transportation agreement with Mexico and also believes that USA Exports could double within five years.
Mexico is the U.S.'s third-biggest trading partner, after Canada and China. Trade between the two nations was $306 billion in 2009, the last year for which data are available. Following the dismantling of the previous cross border transportation program in 2009, Mexico imposed import tariffs on 99 products valued more than two and also one half billion. The Mexican Import tariffs vary widely from consumer sunglasses and shoes to food products such as rice and beef. Martin Rojas, the American Trucking Associations' vice president for security and operations, called the draft a positive development in trying to bring forth this longstanding dispute between the United States as well as Mexico.

The American Transportation Association (whose Arlington, Virginia- based group represents large United States Freight Carriers such as YRC Worldwide Inc.) had stated that they look forward to learning more details about this brand-new program within the near future. Jose Refugio Munoz, the head of the Mexican trucking industry group known as Canacar, said he is skeptical the program will work because of differences in Mexican and U.S. environmental and labor regulations.

Munoz believes such cooperation is merely a motive to get Mexico to remove tariffs on the U . S . Imports and also nothing much more. While Mexican truckers would certainly be willing to drive on highways inside the US, the Owner Operator Independent Driver's Association (OOIDA) critiqued such measures stating that U.S. drivers would not wish to drive on Mexican Highways along with that such a program would jeopardize United States jobs.

Until the Mexican government is able to substantially diminish the rampant crime and violence within its borders, commits to addressing its deteriorated infrastructure, as well as promulgates regulations that significantly improve its freight marketplace, United States truckers may be unable to benefit from the antic ipated reciprocity said OOIDA Executive Vice President Todd Spencer. The dispute over allowing Mexican trucks beyond a limited zone close to the U.S. border dates back to 1995 when the U.S. refused to implement the Nafta-required cross-border plan.
The issue of trucks from Mexico being permitted to enter the United States is an issue that comes with lots of debate attached to it. The quantities of letters which different political offices have received from truck drivers as well as business owners within the trucking business indicate that this is not a welcomed change inside the field of the transportation business. Many are afraid it'll compromise the contracts they have in location as the workers from Mexico will likely be willing to haul the freight loads for a lower cost.

Also with such resistance, a pilot program was allowed to transport forward in September of 2007. This allowed an initial 859 carriers from Mexico to start entering the United States f or work. This project is being monitored by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. It's not recognized if the program will be able to continue as there's presently a motion on the floor of the United States regulation to bring it to a halt.

The greatest complaints from typical citizens seem to be with the concern that they don'tt believe trucks coming from Mexico will be safe. Under the initial pilot program agreements, almost all of the drivers need to have the ability to read along with write English at an acceptable level. This way they can safely navigate with the road signs, talk to law enforcement, along with complete needed paperwork.

You will find no restrictions on the products that the trucks from Mexico can bring into the United States or take back to Mexico. Quite a few are concerned that this permits them to transport hazardous materials. They also worry about the possibility of much more semi trucks being utilized for drug traff icking purposes under such an agreement. Many folks believe it is not safe to have individuals from other countries coming into the United States with the capacity to carry harmful materials. With the risk of terrorist attacks being possible with the use of such products on semi trucks it's definitely some thing to believe about.

The rules would only allow Mexican trucks to haul goods between the United States and Mexico along with would prohibit them from moving freight loads within the U.S.

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