
From replica handbags on the net to LV regattas to an early Christmas present for New Yorkers' love of designer handbags, here's the scoop on Louis Vuitton handbags from around the world.
Connoisseurs of designer handbags and replica handbags alike have plenty to sink their teeth into this week. Louis Vuitton handbags won a huge suit against Ebay, announced an epic new yachting regatta it would sponsor off the coast of New Zealand, and showed some Christmas spirit as it began wrapping up the Louis Vuitton store on New York's historic Fifth Avenue.
A French court found in favor of LV in its lawsuit against online giant Ebay, finding Ebay guilty of damaging the brand's image and of causing moral harm. The lawsuit focused around two main points that the online auction site did not do enough to prevent the sale of replica handbags and that it sold authentic Louis Vuitton handbags without obtaining permission to do so.
The case has sparked a heated debate about what responsibilities Ebay should have in policing sales across its network, which is reported to have as many as 84 million active users. How the company will monitor that volume of transactions is still a mystery, but they'll have to think of something, because this suit could open the door to many others. The legal world, as well as the designer handbags world, will keep a careful eye on how this one develops.
The Louis Vuitton Pacific Series is a brand new yachting regatta that the company will sponsor, to be co-hosted by Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron, the New Zealand government and the Emirates Team New Zealand and Auckland.
This week LV released a list of the twelve teams that will be eligible to compete in the two-week competition. It included an international selection of groups, including selections from the United States, New Zealand, Italy, France, Great Britain, China, South Africa, Germany, Greece and Switzerland. The race will commence on January 31.
Takashi Murakami has got something big for New York City this Christmas. In fact, you couldn't even fit it under the tree at Rockefeller Plaza! A vinyl installation has gone up that covers the entire exterior of LV Fifth Avenue outlet one of the most notorious luxury shops in the world. The pattern is the unmissable Monogram Multicolore, the playful print that has captured the imaginations of the fashion-conscious worldwide. Youve seen it adorning your favorite designer handbags, and now you'll be able to see it like never before.
Also new to the store is a unique "bag-bar" installation. It's a moving display of the company's finer accessories, complete with barstools for the tired admirer.
It's a real treat to get to see this beautiful print up close on such a huge scale. Daniel Lalonde, president and chief executive officer of Louis Vuitton North America had this to say about it: "The idea to wrap the Fifth Avenue maison in Monogram Multicolore came about earlier this year in an effort to do something truly unique for the holiday season."
So, to wrap it up: Ebay may no longer be the best place to find your replica handbags; get into the Christmas spirit with Louis Vuitton handbags NY; and if you can, take your designer handbags down across the equator to see some world-class sailing.
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